diumenge, 10 de febrer del 2019

Treballs de recerca 2019: Crítica literària feminista

This research work mainly deals with literary feminist criticism, what is it, what are its objectives and how to achieve them.

My main objective with this work is to try to find a response to some questions I’ve been making to myself for a long time, such as why women have not been given the same importance as men, or why we have never talked about women's works as we have done with the ones written by men. I want to inform myself as much as I can about everything that has to do with the disability that has been made of women in the world of literature in order to be able to debate having solid arguments on this subject with people who have obsolete arguments.

With this work, I have discovered many things about feminist literary criticism, which helped me solve the issues that I had initially raised. I have found myself interested in a topic I did not know very well, and my interest has progressed as I was researching more and more. On the practical side, it has been very entertaining to do the comparative study of five different books, since it has allowed me to see the differences that were between them, especially reflected in the social field of the book, where it could be seen the thought of the time.

Finally, I have come to the conclusion that there are enough reasons to think that, to a great extent, literary works do reflect the image of women in society at the time. And that, therefore, literature can be a good source of information for the study of the social evolution of women throughout history.

Noelia S.V., alumna de 2n de Batxillerat