dimarts, 6 de febrer del 2018

Treballs de recerca 2018: Design and assembly of a device to measure atmospheric parameters

The aim of this project is to design and create a board that "gets" atmospherical paramethers and then it transfers them via bluetooth to your mobile phone. To do so I will have to do some tasks:

  • Design the circuit
  • Send the information of the board to make get the board done
  • Buy components
  • Solder the components to the empty board
  • Learn C programming language
  • Design a program for the microcontroller

I am going to need help from an engeneer to teach me how to do some tasks such as designing the circuit. I will also have to read some books and search some information to learn C programming language too.

My final objective is that the board transmits data to the mobile phone and it has enogh precision to consider that the board works properly.

Pol R.S., alumne de 2n de Batxillerat